Jul. 22] The 103rd (1st) AIST Techno Salon “Frontiers of Core Technologies of Beamlines Essential for Synchrotron Radiation Application” (Osaka, Japan) (Update: July 1, 2010: A flyer was added.)

■Outline: We will provide information on how synchrotron radiation beamlines are constructed, what elemental technologies are used, and the core technologies of the beamlines that are most familiar to synchrotron radiation users, useful not only for academia but also for industry.
■Date: Friday, July 22, 2022 14:00-16:40
Venue: Main Conference Room, 2F, Administration Building, SANKEN, Osaka University + Web Conference System (ZOOM)
■Sponsored by: SANKEN, Osaka University / The Society of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University / Crossover Alliance for Creating the Future with People, Knowledge and Materials: Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices area
■Published URL: https://www.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp/labs/air/techno_salon/2022FY.html#technosalon_r4_1
■Inquiries: air-office*sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp Please replace * with @.

The 103rd AIST Techno Salon flyer