2022.10.11 No category A promotional video of the trans-scale scope AMATERAS (developed by Nagai Laboratory, ISIR, Osaka University) is now available. 2022.10.11 Events The 23rd International Symposium of Research Institute of Electronics-Hokkaido University 2022.10.07 Events Tokyo Institute of Technology Open 2022/Kasei Seminar held 2022.10.06 Events The 104th (2nd, fiscal year 2022) AIST Techno Salon “Development of Organic Electronics & Photonics: Up-and-coming Researchers” (Osaka, Japan) 2022.09.30 Events Lecture in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Institute of Electronic Science 2022.09.28 Events 3rd International Symposium of JSPS Core-to-Core Program 7 / 9« 先頭«...56789»