2023.01.12 Achievement Characterization of inhibitor binding sites in bacterial drug efflux pumps 2022.12.23 No category Open Call information for fiscal year 2023 is now available. 2022.12.16 Events The 26th SANKEN International Symposium (January 11-12, 2023) 2022.11.30 Events The 22nd Research and Presentation Meeting of Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University Thursday, December 8, 10:00 – Friday, December 9, 12:00 2022.11.24 Events The 105th (3rd in fiscal year 2022) AIST Techno SalonAI/MI and Organic Chemistry/Materials” (Osaka) (Dec. 19) 2022.10.25 No category CORE2-A Collaborative Research Laboratory (CORE-Lab) Program ProposalUsing the AMATERAS trans-scale scope.Multi-Network Whole Cell Analysis Research”A kick-off meeting was held. 6 / 9« 先頭«...45678...»最後 »