Open Call Q&A

About Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices research area

What is the Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices area?

The Network Joint Research Center (NJRC) for Materials and Devices is a system of research institutions established by Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University, Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University, Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science,  Institute of Integrated Research,  Institute of Science Tokyo, SANKEN, Osaka University, and Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University as a cooperative usage and research center for investigators to conduct joint studies beyond their own institutes.

What are the benefits of utilizing the characteristics of the Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices area?

The advantages include the opportunities to collaborate with a diverse pool of excellent researchers and to utilize the locations and equipment of five different institutes.

What research areas are available?

There are five research areas.
Materials-Light-Life-Mathemathematics Complex Science Research Area (Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University)
Material Creation and Advanced Measurements Research Area (Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University)
Chemistry for Material Systems Research Area(Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science, Institute of Integrated Research, Institute of Science Tokyo)
Nanoscience and Devices Research Area (SANKEN, Osaka University)
Materials and Functions Research Area (Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University)

Do you have a logo?

There is a logo consisting of five colored parts that represents the motif of “cooperating and enhancing each other”. If you would like to use the logo, please contact the headquarters of the center (njrc*, please convert “*” to “@”).

What are the facilities and services offered?

For Program for Utilization of Facilities and Equipment, please refer to “Equipment/Research Areas” in the menu “Open Call Information” on the top page. Also, if you are looking for a joint research partner, please refer to the “Researcher Database” on the top page.

About Open Call

What is Basic Joint Research Program?

This is bottom-up (proposal-based) research based on free ideas and approaches, which is the budding research area of materials and devices.

What is Program for Utilization of Facilities and Equipment?

Open Call for Proposals using equipment owned by the five Research Institutes. Please click here for available facilities and equipment.

What is Expanded Joint Research Program?

By conducting joint research with two or more research areas (research institutes), we aim to promote the exchange of human resources and to develop original research through multifaceted perspectives.

What is Crossover Joint Research Program?

This is a new Proposal established in fiscal year 2022. It is a goal-directed program to create new research by combining materials x AI, materials x optics, life x mathematics, materials x social science, etc., to develop into a fusion of different fields.

What is the Next Generation Young Researchers Program?

This program supports graduate students, undergraduate students, and students majoring in technical colleges to conduct pioneering and challenging research.

What is the Collaborative Research Laboratory (CORE-Lab) Program?

Young researchers will form a research team as a project leader and stay at the host institute for a mid- to long-term stay to conduct research activities. Through in-depth discussions with outstanding researchers, the program is expected to produce breakthrough research results and innovations.

About application

How do I apply?

Please apply through the NJRC’s application system on this website.

I would like to continue the same joint research in the next fiscal year.

A new application must be submitted and approved. When applying, you will be asked whether you wish to apply for a new or continued program.

Can I submit more than one Proposal in the same research area (Institute)?

Yes, it is possible. Please apply for each Proposal.

Can I submit the same proposal to multiple research areas (institutes)?

Proposals with the same content may not be submitted to more than one area (institute) in duplicate.
If you wish to conduct joint research in more than one research area, please consult with the host faculty members,
Proposals must be submitted under the “Expanded Joint Research Program” or “Crossover Joint Research Program” categories.

Can I apply from overseas?


If the applicant is a foreigner, how do I apply?

Host faculty members may submit the application on behalf of the applicant using the applicant’s e-mail address and password. However, please note that all notifications of acceptance/rejection, requests for submission of Letter of acceptance, etc. will be sent to the registered e-mail address.

Are there any other application methods other than the electronic application system?

In principle, applications must be submitted through the electronic application system. If you have difficulty in submitting an application through the electronic application system, please contact the center headquarters.

Letter of acceptance and registration of joint research participants

Can the seal of the applicant and department head be omitted from the Letter of acceptance?

If the applicant is willing to carry out the joint research and agrees to the contents of the Letter of acceptance, the seal cannot be omitted. If the applicant is a foreigner, signature is acceptable.

What is the position of the department head indicated on the Letter of acceptance?

In the case of a university, it means the head of the department to which you belong. In the case of a company, it means the head of the department head to which you belong.

Is it necessary to attend Education for Research Ethics before starting joint research? (About Education for Research Ethics)

The Center will not provide Education for Research Ethics, but in the Letter of acceptance, you agree that you understand and will comply with the following and that you will use the research funds appropriately.

If I do not approve of the Letter of acceptance, what is the procedure?

Please contact the host faculty members as soon as possible and submit the notice of refusal to the center’s administrative office at the host institute.

Who should I enroll as a joint research participant?

Please register all participants in the research, including not only researchers but also undergraduate and graduate students (you can add or delete any person at any time through the Center’s Open Call system).

Can I participate in research even if I am not registered as a joint research participant at the time of application?

To participate in research, you must register as a joint research participant. Please add co-researchers in the NJRC’s application system. You can register at any time, even in the middle of the research period.

Is it possible to add undergraduate, graduate, or other students to the joint research participants? (Regarding insurance coverage)

University students, graduate students, and other students may participate, but they must have Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (abbreviated “Gakkensai”) and Liability insurance coupled with “Gakkensai” (abbreviated “Futaibaiseki”) equivalent or higher.

After Adoption

What is the process from start to finish of a joint research project?

After acceptance, you will submit a Letter of acceptance to begin the collaborative research with the host faculty members. The joint research will end with the submission of a report.

What should I do if there is a change in the affiliation or contact information of the principal investigators, joint research participants, etc. after the selected applicants are selected?

If there is a change in the affiliation of the host institution or host faculty members, a “Notification of Change” must be submitted, so please contact the Center Office at the host institution. If your contact information has changed due to a change of affiliation, please correct the information in the NJRC’s application system by yourself.
Additions and changes of joint research participants can also be made through the NJRC’s application system.

How should I use the budget for an approved Proposal?

The amount to be allocated will be announced at the time of selection (please note that the amount may slightly increase or decrease from the amount stated in the Application Guidelines). The budget (joint research expenses) is mainly used for travel expenses for visiting the host institute to conduct joint research. Please visit the host institute as often as you wish in accordance with your research plan.
In addition to the above-mentioned travel expenses, the budget can also be used to cover expenses for paper submission and the purchase of consumable supplies such as necessary reagents. For details, please refer to the Administrative Procedures Guide that will be sent to you by the host institute after you have been selected for the grant and plan accordingly.

What are the administrative procedures?

For specific administrative procedures after the start of the joint research, please follow the administrative procedure guide sent by the host institute after the selection decision is made. If you have any questions, please contact your host institute.

Can research funds be used for travel expenses other than to visit the host institute?

In addition to the purpose of visiting the host researchers for joint research, travel expenses can be paid for the principal investigators to present the research results of the selected Proposal at conferences, etc., and for the principal investigators to attend conferences, research meetings, etc. related to the research. For details, please refer to the Administrative Procedures Guide that will be sent by the Host Institute after the selection has been made.

Can research funds be used to pay for travel expenses of host faculty members?

With the exception of Next Generation Young Researchers Program, travel expenses for host faculty members may be paid with the approval of the principal investigators.
The main examples are as follows
Travel expenses for host faculty members traveling to the principal investigators’ host institution for joint research
Travel expenses for principal investigators and host faculty members when they travel to the host faculty member’s laboratory for joint research
Travel expenses when principal investigators and host faculty members gather at research facilities outside their respective host institutions to carry out joint research, such as measurements, together.

Can research funds be used to pay for travel expenses of registered joint research participants?

With the consent of the principal investigators, it is possible.

Can I mention on my resume that I have been selected for the Next Generation Young Researchers Program?

You can state this information. The research period will be the period stated in the notification of acceptance. Selected applicants for the Next Generation Young Researchers Program will be granted the title of “Distinguished Student Researcher of the Center,” which can also be stated.

Can I use my own car for business travel?

In principle, this is possible, but prior procedures may be required.

Achievement Report

How do you submit Achievement Reports?

Please submit the application through the NJRC’s application system at the end of the research term (the end of March of the following year).

How will the Achievement Report be made public?

Achievement Reports will be made available to users on the Center’s website on a limited basis. The report will be available in the fall of the following fiscal year.

Publication of Research Results

When presenting the results of your research, is there a specific way to write acknowledgements?

If you wish to present the results of your research, please include the following text in English or Japanese.

(This work was performed under the Cooperative Research Program of “Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices (MEXT).
(This work was performed under the Cooperative Research Program of “NJRC Mater. & Dev. (MEXT).”
(Japanese example) This research was supported by the Joint Research Program of the Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices area.