Sanken Techno Salon holds regular meetings with various themes to facilitate the exchange of research results and opinions between Osaka University’s Institute of Industrial Science and the industry, with the aim of promoting interaction and fostering camaraderie.
114th (4th in the 2024 academic year) Industry-Academia Techno Salon: Cutting-edge of Nucleic Acid Targeted Drug Discovery
In recent years, there has been a surge in the development of nucleic acid-based drugs and small molecule drugs targeting nucleic acids (DNA, RNA). Progress in academia, pharmaceutical ventures, and major pharmaceutical companies has accelerated the practical application of nucleic acid targeted drug discovery. However, despite its growing importance, there remain significant challenges to be overcome. In this session, we are delighted to invite leading researchers in this field, who will provide a broad introduction to their work, ranging from foundational research and fundamental technologies to efforts towards practical pharmaceutical applications.
【Date and Time】
March 7, 2025 (Friday), 13:30 – 16:45 (followed by a networking session from 17:00)
SANKEN CReA, 2nd floor, SANKEN, Osaka University (limited to 80 attendees) + Zoom (limited to 90 attendees)
SANKEN, Osaka University
Association of SANKEN, General Incorporated Association, Osaka University
Crossover Alliance to Create the Future with People, Intelligence and Materials: Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices
【Speaker Program】
<13:40-14:20> “Nucleic Acid Drug Discovery using the mRNA-targeted Small Molecule Drug Platform, ibVISⓇ”
Shingo Nakamura – President, Velitas In Silico Co., Ltd.
<14:20-15:00> “BROTHERS Nucleic Acid: Improving the Specificity and Safety of Antisense Nucleic Acids”
Takeshi Yamamoto – Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University and Director, Lead Pharma Co., Ltd.
<15:00-15:15> Break and Networking Session
<15:15-15:55> “mRNA Drug Discovery and Nucleic Acid Targeted Drug Discovery utilizing RNA Synthetic Biology”
Hirohide Saito – Professor, Institute of Quantitative Biology, The University of Tokyo and iPS Cell Research Institute, Kyoto University
【Laboratory Tour】
<16:00-16:45> Laboratory tour of Nakatani Laboratory, SANKEN
【Networking Session ※Requires Participation Fee】
<17:00-18:30> Drinks and light refreshments will be provided.
※Participation Fee: 3,000 JPY / Techno Salon Member of the Industry-Academia Cooperative Research Association: Free (for corporate members, up to 2 participants per company)