ELSI Forum with mercari R4D
ELSI Center x Mercari: Human-Social Research Now with Companies” (7/19)
– Research Center on Ethical, Legal and Social Issues, Osaka University

We would like to inform you of a forum by Research Center on Ethical, Legal and Social Issues, Osaka University (ELSI Center) where they will introduce the results of their joint research with Mercari Inc. and exchange opinions on joint research with companies.

■ Title:
ELSI Forum with mercari R4D “ELSI Center x Mercari: Human-Social Research Now with Companies” (7/19) – Osaka University Research Center on Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI Center)

■Event detail URL: https://elsi.osaka-u.ac.jp/contributions/2936


The Research Center on Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI Center) at Osaka University and mercari R4D, the research and development organization of mercari Inc. The two organizations have been collaborating since September 2020 with the aim of building an ELSI (Ethical, Legal and Social Issues) oriented R&D process. At this “ELSI Forum with mercari R4D,” we would like to introduce the results of the Expanded Joint Research Program and discuss future developments together with the participants. We are looking forward to your participation.

■Date: Friday, July 19, 2024, 13:30-17:30

■ Venue: Nambu Yoichiro Hall, Osaka University (2F, Building J, Graduate School of Science, Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University) <https://www.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp/ja/nambu-hall/#access>


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