6/29] 11th Annual Report Meeting of the Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices

The 11th Annual Report Meeting of the Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices

The Annual Report Meeting of the Joint Research Center will be held on the following dates to report on the activities of the Joint Research Center and to present the results of joint research.
Date: June 29, 2023, 12:30-17:05 (tentative)
12:30 Opening
12:40 Greetings from Guest of Honor / Greetings from the Host School / Greetings from the General Manager of the Center
13:20 Special Lecture 1
13:50 Presentation of joint research results 1-5
15:40 Special Lecture 2, 3
16:20 Awards Ceremony for the 5th Materials and Devices Joint Research Award
16:40 Critique

Participation is free of charge. If you wish to attend in person, please use the application form below.
Please register by noon on Thursday, June 15.

In-person Participation Application Form


The debriefing will be streamed live on Youtube. If you are unable to attend in person Please watch it here.
